1Chronicles 16:34 “O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.”
As we enter the month of November, we are all looking forward to spending time with family and friends, eating, laughing, and simply enjoying our lives.
Maybe you don’t think you have much to thank God for and this time of the year brings sadness instead of joy. Let me encourage you today, regardless of anything else, you can always thank God for His goodness and mercy.
Sometimes you may not see the goodness of God, but it is always there. Our very lives are protected and upheld by His mercy. You can thank God for creating this amazing, wonderful universe. Thank Him for sending Jesus Christ to be the perfect sacrifice for our sins. So much to be thankful for!
November also brings us our Military Veterans Day. We enjoy such freedom and prosperity here in America, and although we may not pay the price for it, it doesn’t come free. We can thank the brave men and women who are serving or have served in the past to keep our nation safe and secure.
So much to be thankful for and yet we still find so much to complain about. This November let us thank God for everything that He has done for each of us! Thank you for reading! If we can ever be of help, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at (252) 698-1005.
-Pastor Jon Nettesheim